2010 EMAA Formal Awards Night Speech

A few students approached me after our Formal Awards Night last year, and said you were affected/ motivated in some way by this speech.  I thought perhaps those people might appreciate being able to read it here. Osu. Sempai Kiley

Firstly Let me thank Daniel for his speech, the introduction and his kind words. Thank you really isn’t a good enough word to express my and my family’s gratitude for Daniel and his help and kindness that heshows us on a repeated basis. I hope however from the bottom of my heart that you know you are loved and appreciated. That’s all for now on that matter….Grazie Daniel.

So, welcome to the second annual Eltham Martial Arts Academy Formal Awards Night.

I thank you all for coming along tonight to be a part of this special event ; students, partners, family and friends.Special thanks to those that traveled, especially Shihan Cameron Quinn for coming all the way from the Sunshine Coast.  Thanks for your support, and for investing your time and money into something that you believe is special and worthwhile.

As a person, the investments we make on a daily basis are those things that make us who we are.  I am sure we are all aware of the big picture……Investment of our money gives us many things we have, the clothes we wear and thus our outward image…..the things we own…..the cars we drive…..the house we live in……the list goes on.

Investment however, is not limited to things of monetary value. The way we spend our time too is also an investment. Each choice we make on a daily basis affects our life in small and sometimes major ways. Our health by every thing we put into and onto our bodies and whether we exercise or live a sedentary life. Do we spend too much time at work and invest our time, energy, skills and intelligence for others and their profit…or do we devote most of ourselves to our family and contribute to it’s growth and wellbeing. Yes….we need money to provide for our families…..but how much really?

These things are not foreign concepts. You all know them. Sometimes we blatantly ignore them, other times we get caught up in the rat race and forget but my partner Bernard recently went to a seminar and came back with a great quote. “There are the things we know we don’t know, and then there are those we don’t know we don’t know “  . I think this is an important quote as it reminds us of our need to keep our eyes, ears and minds open on our journey.

For a while now (perhaps even all my life) I have been moving closer and closer to what I feel is the right path for me. It’s not always been a direct route….but a general direction that leads to a destination. Not sure where the final point is, but it definitely has to do with health and wellbeing and about getting back to basics. About the world becoming a better place for my family and generations to come.

I am sure many of you have the same goals. In part that is why you are here tonight.  It’s a reflection of your choice to invest your time and energy in training at the dojo, and also in your health and fitness, or just to support your friends and loved ones in their efforts.

I believe with all my heart that we the human race are a pivotal point of existence.

I am not sure I believe in global warming but I do believe we are not looking after the world like we should.

I do believe that we need to live more sustainable and more in tune with nature.

I think a lot of our problems can be traced back to our absence of contact with mother earth. Did you ever wonder why it’s called that?

I don’t have much faith in our current health systems. No…I am not talking about our hospitals and ambo’s and surgeons and all the fantastic work these people do. I am talking about a general lack of real knowledge about how to maintain health and vitality and an ever increasing incidence of “new” diseases and conditions and the array of “drugs’ to go along with them.

I don’t believe that the media cares about me or you nor should they be our source of knowledge. To simply “hear’ something is not to know it. Neither is a picture these days the truth. Camera’s and the technology surrounding them can …and do lie.

I don’t believe we live in a ‘real’ democracy but I am aware of how lucky we are in Australia in many ways. However, if you don’t believe me….try to have a different opinion than the government about how to raise your child.

I don’t believe that money is the root of all evil. The people that control it are.

I don’t consider myself a conspiracy theorist….but I do think we should always remember there are two sides to every story. Which one are you getting and what vested interest is behind that version?

I don’t think we should always take authority for gospel. By who’s authority are these people in a position of authority anyway? (of course this comment excludes mum’s and dads as we are and they were…..pretty much always right. Right? )

If you agree with anything I have just said then great. If not…that’s cool. Lucky for you that life has ‘choices’.

With the state of the world at the moment I think it is imperative that we are all conscious of our “investments”. Sometimes we see the world and think that the problems are too many and too great and we are too insignificant to change them. Wrong. It’s not even complicated. Just make an investment in your future and decide how you want it to be.

A simple example is food.  Every dollar you spend on your food is an investment. An investment in your health and your family’s health. Are you eating whole foods grown from mother earth?

If you are healthy…you will go to the doctor less which puts less strain on our medical system. Plus….you won’t have to spend money on medications and lotions and potions and thus support big pharma and their legal drug pushers. Eating whole foods means less production. Less energy went into processing and packaging and producing and transporting that thing you are eating.

Eating organic?  Health benefits plus sustainable farming practices. Again support the industry you want to survive.  Are you buying locally grown where possible? Support local farmers, and you not only support that industry but you support the environment by saving on fuel to transport goods interstate or overseas.

Ask yourself what happens when the large supermarkets and conglomerates kill all the small local grocery shops, deli’s and fruit and veg markets?  Perhaps you choose them for price now….but support that industry and you shall have no cause for complain when they eventually have control and monopoly over the market and watch what happens to prices then.

Could you grow your own food? Pass on some knowledge to your kids. Eat seasonally like nature intended and reap the health benefits. Save some money?  Savour your food as you appreciate what it takes to grow it.

( At this point I read a quote from a wonderful book that if you have the inclination i recommend you read. It is titled ” The Conscious Cook ” by Giselle Wilkinson. More than a cook book, this has loads of information regarding better food choices for you, your family and the earth ) 

“ Be the change that you want to see in the world “ Ghandi.

So that’s my short version of what I wanted to say to you tonight. You might be sitting there wondering how it’s all relevant to a martial arts awards night?

In reality it’s not. Or is it?

I feel very privileged to be standing before you tonight. To see so many vibrant, healthy and motivated people and think that in a way, the investment of my time throughout the year and intensely over the last few weeks and months that goes into organizing tonight is worth it.

It also makes me believe that my being able to stand here…and pass on to you a message that I think is valuable is possible through the passage of the dojo and martial arts. I have no doubt this wouldn’t be the case if it weren’t for my stumbling into a karate class back in Oct 1994.

( Now, a Summary of the achievements of the dojo thus far in 2010 including tournaments, Gradings, Thailand trip, addition of new classes inlcuding the Judo and upcoming changes for the upcoming year 2011 )

So;  now to the real reason why we are here.

Tonight is a celebration of the achievements of everyone who has trained with us during 2010.

Just turning up to class is a major part of the battle. If you can get yourself there….you’ve already won!

It’s difficult each year to look at all of you and have to pick out exceptions; however there are those students throughout the year which perhaps go the extra mile, or show a quality that we value. It is those students who we shall award tonight.


Kiley Baker.

The Images placed within this article are photo’s of awards that I personally hand made painted and presented on the night. I hope you like them. [slideshow]

Pain and Gain

It’s funny how you can ‘know’ something for so long, perhaps almost a whole life, but then one day you ‘live’ that thing and all of a sudden it all makes sense. The penny drops,cha-ching.
We have all heard the saying ” What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger”. I like the sentiment and have been known to throw that one around at various times, but in reality, the saying has flaws.
You see…..every day things happen that don’t kill us….but neither do they change us.

The thing’s which DO change us, that really do make us stronger are those thing’s that push us beyond our normal limits,which force us to struggle. We must undergo difficulty in order to grow.

In nature, I guess this could be compared to the process of natural selection.Those of the species which best adapt to the environment, that overcome stresses and challenges survive. The strong which survive then breed and so hence the growth of a stronger and more resillient population, herd, tribe, community, ecosystem, whatever term best describes.

In the gym, referring to resistance based training, weight lifting, hypertrophy, Power Lifting, etc then perhaps this is the basis for the SAID principal. Specific Adaptation to Increased Demands. Our bodies are smart and they have a memory and we are programed to survive. Our very nature is to prevail. So…when our bodies undergo stress…certain processes occur to ensure that the next time this happens….we are better prepared. I guess another way to explain is that very simply put, when we lift weights and apply stress to the muscle, damage occurs. It is through the process of re-buliding this muscle that strength and size is gained.

As a person, Emotionally, when we go through hardships we tend to learn. We learn about how our mind reacts and we learn about our mental programming. We also learn that we can endure, and that all things pass eventually, and through this we understand that we are durable and changeable and can weather a storm or two. Next time, as we have been there before…..we understand that the pain of losing someone, having an argument, being betrayed, being misunderstood or perhaps being weak and hurting another person……that no matter how bad it is, we can make it like we did last time. We recognise a pattern, and being stronger 2nd time around, can make better choices this time.

The thing I love about Martial Arts is that it covers all the bases.
In one hard class alone we could touch on all areas. We can challenge our self beleifs (I can’t do another push up and then you do, or I’m awesome….only to get beaten that night) , our own inner deamons. We can challenge our fears (oh….i don’t want to sparr this person , they are better than me, or i’ll never be able to last that grading..then we do). We can push ourselves so hard physically that we are in pain. We can demand of our body thing’s we never thought we could do (like an 8 hour grading with 40 rounds of contact sparring) and when we make it out the other side our strength is resolved. Our mind is determined and our body is built that little bit better and is that little bit more prepared to fight.

Struggle is what makes us if it doesn’t break us.
But consider this – even if we are broken (just like our muscles after a heavy gym session) with the right amount of love, medicine (let your food be thy medicine and thy medicine your food),rest and recovery (meditation, sleep, time alone or with friends) and a small amount of Will and drive – we can and will be restored to something better than we were before.

Not that movies have anything to do with this…but every Movie Hero had a hardship.
It’s always the fall then the rise and we love those stories ! The loss made the win SO much more gratifying. We don’t respect people who had it handed to them and often they don’t respect themselves. So :-

Knowing all this, In the midst of your hardest training session,
when you find yourself being beaten in the ring,
when the odds are stacked against you,
When you feel like you have been left with nothing,
When you feel you can’t go on, or get up after being knocked down
smile….and remind yourself that it’s moments like these (no…you don’t need minties)
But you can and will survive and grow.


Significance : 2014 Formal Awards Night Speech

Welcome to the 2014 Formal Awards Night.

Thankyou Anthony for your introduction and I’ll say thanks on behalf of Nivo for saving him from having to make another speech tonight ! J

I think this year it’s clear that we are going for the “quality over quantity” approach. This time last year we had double the amount of attendance and I have learnt a valuable lesson: Run the event in November before the craziness kicks in! There were a lot of people that wanted to attend and couldn’t make it due to other events they were required to be at….and I know it’s a busy time of year.

So….I know you have put aside your time and your money to be here tonight, and I really want you to know how much it means to me that you are in fact here now…..as I put every effort into making this a special night for all and I hope you enjoy yourself and feel that your investment was worthwhile.

I know I read directly from the paper…..it’s because I have to, to keep my mind on track………….So many thoughts per second , per minute…those that train with me know what I’m talking about. So…. Please forgive my lack of eye contact!

This year…..I planned on my speech being somewhat shorter than normal. A bit like me – Not huge……however to the point and mostly on target.

So let’s get straight to the point. ‘Significance’.

It’s an interesting word don’t you think? And I like words. What’s cool about words is that they are just that. Words. But a little like Rissoles and Mum’s cooking on the movie The Castle…..”It’s what you do with them”!

It’s not the word itself that gives it meaning…but those which come before and after.

IT’s not that they are said…it’s how and by who.

We all know that you can be told the same thing many times, but someone will just put it slightly differently….or perhaps your frame of mood will alter the way the meaning comes across and all of a sudden this “thing” being said resonates with you. Amazing.

I think this theory can also be applied to martial arts techniques.

IT’s not the punch, the kick, or the arm bar…..it’s the block that came before, allowing that punch to get through. Or maybe the slight footwork manoeuvrer that allowed you to land that kick…or the patience and foresight to sit and wait for your opponent to falter and move his grip so you could apply that choke. It’s knowing the basics and being able to put them together which creates the poetry in motion.

But….more than knowing the basics…I think what’s more important is understanding the ‘why’.

I remember I used to drive my high school math’s teachers crazy as I was always asking why. I would be told to just select the appropriate formula and apply to reveal the correct answer. This frustrated me no end because in order for my brain to understand which formula was the right one to use in the first place…I Needed to know why! Aaaaarrrghhhhh……it was a viscous circle and….Oh anyway. Enough reminiscing.

In Martial Arts it’s important to listen to your master. Your Sensei, Your Coach, Your teacher. Whoever that person is that is imparting their knowledge to you.

They have put time and effort into learning. Sometimes years of dedication. We must respect this and know that the reason we are here is to learn from this person something which we do not already know.

Or …maybe we do know….but need this person to push us and correct us, and guide us and make us fitter and stronger and better.

For this to happen however and in the shortest space of time, we must not question their instructions or judgement. We must follow and do as instructed.

What we should strive to find though is the why. Sosai said that all questions can be answered in training. Of this I am sure. Some answers come quickly…and others take much time. Some require patience and others are a quick and brutal lesson in a tournament situation. Regardless of how the answer is revealed though…..we need to strive to understand the meaning behind the lesson. We must push ourselves to discover the Significance.

Running a dojo is a hard business. I trust you all enough to say that Sometimes it’s tough enough that I doubt that It can continue. Then my ‘why’ kicks in…the knowing to my very core that running the dojo is all I ever want to do.

I have no plan B.

I have invested everything into those four walls where so many good things happen.

Peoples lives change. I know this because people tell me. You don’t always see it when you are up that close. Like you don’t notice your own child growing but then someone they haven’t seen for a while shows up and is astounded at their size!

It’s been a strange couple of months where lots of old students have either returned to training or have visited and written some just amazing letters to me. These thing’s strengthen my resolve, booster my confidence and remind me why it’s so important that I do what I do. Why all instructors do. It’s reminded me of the dojo’s Significance, not just to me….but I imagine to all of you here tonight and definitely to those that are still apart of the dojo but not able to be here.

I have also been made aware that even to those not still active members of EMAA….that passing through our doors has put them on some pretty grand detours in life and been a significant and meaningful part of their journey. That’s a big Wow for me.

I asked you all to bring along an item tonight. Something that was Significant to you. I’m gonna quickly open up the Mic to anyone who has something they would like to share………….

I want you to talk to each other tonight. Put down your phones and ask each other about these items and see what kinds of things come up.

I hope it’s an interesting journey ………I hope you hear some cool stories…but most of all it’s thinking about what to bring that I hope leads you to question yourself on some basic life concepts. What gives meaning to your world? Who are you? What are you supposed to do and Why?

I’m still working on this….but I honestly believe 100% that when you know your why…….and focus only on that….then the HOW shall be revealed to you.

And then when you DO your Why……You will be Happy.

One last thing……on your place-cards…you are probably wondering why there is a pen. I am sure you have heard the expression that the Pen is Mightier than the sword. Do You know why?

So you have been given a special gift indeed.

Use it well.